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  1. Onceaswinger

    Onceaswinger Porno Junky

    Feb 19, 2019
    Ok, politics and sex...so if so many of us are bi, bi curious, swingers or some other sexual deviant according to the conservative right, why is this quiet majority getting steamrolled by them? Are we all just chickenshit to say publicly it's ok to consentually fuck whomever you want if they are of age? I for one, am tired of the hypocritical politicking.
    • Like Like x 5
    1. Daddyjo80
      Very good points, agreeing with them all
      Daddyjo80, May 5, 2023
    2. TarlCabot666
      Deviant is the proper term here, because that is how both the Left and Right classify people with what they consider aberrant sexual desires.
      Since 1940, the MMPI (or Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) has been the most used tool in determining a person's mental health status.
      A friend of mine, who was a clinical psychologist, allowed me to take this test while she was filling out some reports. When I finished she asked me if I wanted her to score it. I said yes. I was curious.
      Yes, I answered everything in total honesty. When she score it, she told me we had to destroy the test and the results. If anyone saw the results, she would be required as a Mandatory reporter to report my sexual deviance.
      TarlCabot666, May 5, 2023
      JenHow21 likes this.
    3. JenHow21
      I am a conservative BUT i am liberal when it cums to sex and drug freedoms.
      JenHow21, May 7, 2023
      Onceaswinger and CDpornlover like this.
  2. Ifwetry

    Ifwetry Porn Star

    Mar 23, 2023
    Don't know, I'm mostly conservative. And I'm Bi
    • Like Like x 3
  3. VampirTARA

    VampirTARA Dracula's daughter

    Jul 18, 2017
    I would know I'm a conservative that believes in reality and biology and religion I'm not a member of the current mentally ill far left. Furthermore, you never mix sex with politics or at a dinner table.
    • Like Like x 7
    • Winner Winner x 4
    • Agree Agree x 2
  4. MILFBanger78

    MILFBanger78 Sex Machine

    Oct 8, 2015
    I'm a swinger for almost 25 yrs now.. to the right on most issues and libertarian-leaning...i dunno where u get the idea that you cant do all the things you listed already?

    The line is drawn at teaching kids in school about certain things or flaunting it in front of kids. which I think most decent ppl would agree with regardless of politics
    • Like Like x 8
  5. Ifwetry

    Ifwetry Porn Star

    Mar 23, 2023
    You win, you stated it better than I was able to. While I'm not a religious person, I'm not against trans either,...as long as they are old enough to figure it out on their own and not be trained to believe they are something or someone that they haven't been alive long enough to figure out on their own.
    • Like Like x 3
  6. Onceaswinger

    Onceaswinger Porno Junky

    Feb 19, 2019
    And that's totally fine, but why are other conservatives one way in private and polar opposite in public? A
    I agree. But I think both extremes are mentally ill and few in the middle dare tell them to can it.
  7. Ifwetry

    Ifwetry Porn Star

    Mar 23, 2023
    I'm not them, I can't answer your question
  8. superfly338

    superfly338 Sex Lover

    Jul 28, 2019
    Who says that the so called Conservative vocal minority is ruling how we think about sexuality? Seems like the left leaning LGBTQ+ are being the most vocal at the moment, and pretty much have been for the last 30 years.
    The "Conservatives " you are speaking of, in my opinion are the neocons, who moved to the Republican party during the Reagan years, who in the past were Democrats that belonged to or agreed with the so called Moral Majority.
  9. Debauched_Pervert

    Debauched_Pervert Sex Machine

    Sep 29, 2022
    No one rules my sexuality but me. I don't give a fuck what anyone tells me is right or wrong; I decide what is right for me and if anyone has a problem with that, then they can suck the shit out of my arse and gargle it with cat puke. I have two rules: Are they consenting adults? and Do I like it? If the answer is yes to both then it has fuck all to do with anyone not actively involved in whatever I am doing.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. deuxe

    deuxe Sex Machine

    Jan 22, 2012
    It's hard to loud and proud as it could mean the end of friendships and family relations.
    It's a clash of generations and stereotypical thinking.
    I would imagine it would leave many careers in ruin.
    1. Debauched_Pervert
      You don't need to come out to support the LGTBQ+ community. I support racial equality, women's rights, the LGTBQ+ community, straight people's choice, animal rights, and so many others, even though I'm a white bisexual male human. It's about accepting people for who they are, caring for sentient life, and being intolerant of intolerable opinions and ideas. The way I see it is this: Accept people for how they were born, and shame those that don't.
      Debauched_Pervert, May 6, 2023
  11. WantSumCandyLittleGirl

    WantSumCandyLittleGirl Candyman

    Apr 25, 2010
    You’re implying Conservatives are the only ones voicing concerns about sexuality. That’s a pretty general statement. Your assertion is mostly valid when you apply it to the political changes being made.

    However, there are Liberals who are also deadset against the display of public affection by anyone, as well as the hypocritical philosophy of charging consenting adults who are not married or in a relationship with having sex.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. Debauched_Pervert
      Citations, please.
      Debauched_Pervert, May 7, 2023
    2. Jack Mine
      You forgot to mention that this thread really belongs in the political forum ;)
      Jack Mine, May 8, 2023
  12. Resserd

    Resserd Porn Star

    Sep 26, 2021
    There seems to be an assumption that the majority of the population are sexual deviants. The top of a bell curve represents the majority - which equals normal. Deviating from that area isn't normal.

    So if a poll were taken by 1 million people asking these sexual questions, what would the outcome be? I'd guess that immoral sexual behavior has been rising during the last 20 years, but I don't know the actual statistics.

    Also, most people have conservative views on some issues and liberal views on others.
    1. Debauched_Pervert
      What would you call immoral sexual behaviour? Because I can guarantee it's different for everyone.
      Debauched_Pervert, May 7, 2023
  13. Resserd

    Resserd Porn Star

    Sep 26, 2021
    @debauched - Yes, and it isn't the same in every society, past and present. Conventional wisdom would say that it's sex outside of a monogamous, heterosexual marriage.
    1. Debauched_Pervert
      Exactly. And I'd go as far as to say that everyone's idea of immoral sexual behaviour is different to everyone else's. This is the reason I only have two rules when it comes to judging someone on their sexual enjoyments: 1) Is everyone involved a consenting individual? and 2) Is everyone involved having a good time and enjoying what is happening? If the answer is yes to both then I say let them all enjoy what they are doing without negative judgement.
      Debauched_Pervert, May 7, 2023
      leed's 13th child and Resserd like this.
  14. Steelernut3

    Steelernut3 Porn Star

    Aug 21, 2019
    This bull shit censorship and judgement were subjected to is like I said....BULL SHIT...ALL you can do is ignore them.... FUCK ALL JUDGEMENTS AND CENSORSHIP. If your of CONSENSUAL AGE....DO WHAT YOU WANT AND ENJOY WHAT YOU ENJOY!!!! Both the "RIGHT" and the "LEFT" are going to judge you for NOT being "RIGHT ENOUGH " or "LEFT ENOUGH "....
    The answer is simple.... just be
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Debauched_Pervert

    Debauched_Pervert Sex Machine

    Sep 29, 2022
    We should arrange sexual meets in our own areas where we do as much to upset the conservative religitard morons as we can.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. Steelernut3

    Steelernut3 Porn Star

    Aug 21, 2019
    I also hate and don't understand why if you don't like something people automatically think your against it. I don't like guy on guy sex...DOES NOT mean I'm anti gay. It's just not my thing. I live in the bay area of California and I've been in public and said that... someone heard me and all of a sudden I was accused of being with those assholes who protest soldier funerals with "God Hates Fags" signs. It makes no sense to me so I've learned to ignore them.
    ALSO.... if people are judging you because of YOUR sexualiaty.... THEY are the ones are INSECURE AND CONFUSED about their sexualiaty! We should feel sad for THEM.;)
    • Agree Agree x 1
  17. Ifwetry

    Ifwetry Porn Star

    Mar 23, 2023
    If I'm for it, it's OK. If I'm not for it.....well, it might be OK, just not for me
    • Like Like x 1
  18. xxxeccentric

    xxxeccentric Porn Star

    Jan 19, 2021
    Unfortunately, I remember this same plea, almost word for word, in the late 1960s. The religionists/superstitionals seem to be able to maintain power...no matter what science proves. "Have faith" just means do not ever think. I see our modern society, even at the level of the Supreme Court, being run by savages who prey on the differences of others and making money by putting people down. Anyway, in my brief time, I have seen this cycle up every 10 to 20 years, rarely down. And "THEY" have never ever lost control...going back to the middle ages.
    • Like Like x 2
    1. Steelernut3
      YEA.... That's why you gotta ignore them FUCK anyone who wants to control YOUR sexualiaty...EXCEPT YOU
      Steelernut3, May 7, 2023
      Ifwetry likes this.
  19. Steelernut3

    Steelernut3 Porn Star

    Aug 21, 2019
    Whoever said you don't mix sex and politics is WRONG!!! Sex IS politics!!
    The Government is ALWAYS FUCKING YOU!
    • Funny Funny x 3