Truecaller has rolled out an update for Android users, bringing in features like group voice calling, Smart SMS, and Inbox Cleaner. The company says that these new features have been introduced based on user feedback. Group Voice Calls enables the ability to make cross-border voice calls with up to eight people simultaneously, whereas Smart SMS uses integrates algorithm to filter out spam, categorise useful information, and remind you of payments. Lastly, the new Inbox Cleaner feature lets consumers free up space on their phone by removing unused messages.
During a group voice call, Truecaller will also help identify spam users in the group if they were added without the user's knowledge. Users will be able to add new participants to a voice call even without adding them to their phonebook. The app will reflect each participant's city and also indicate whether another user is busy in another call or offline. Truecaller says all group voice calls are secured with symmetric encryption. Additionally, the feature offers a dial back option from call logs, making it easy to manage the group when calling back.
Another feature called Smart SMS will be added to Truecaller and it will help identifying and filtering out spam, categorising useful information, and even reminding you of pending payments. This feature will roll out to users in India, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa. It will soon be available in the Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia, Sweden, and the US.
Lastly, Truecaller will get a new Inbox Cleaner to help users clear out all those old, unwanted messages in just a few seconds. Inbox Cleaner from the menu will show you how many old OTPs and spam SMSes you have accumulated and another tap on the ‘clean up' button will quickly and effectively remove old SMSes without affecting your important data. Android users can update to the latest version from Google Play store to see the changes.
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