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  1. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
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  2. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
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    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
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    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
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  5. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
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  6. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    More promotion and glorification of treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republican violence.

    School board candidate facing furious backlash after photo reveals his 'Where is Nancy?' costume

    Sky Palma
    November 03, 2022


    A New Jersey school board candidate is getting some blowback after he wore Halloween costume consisting of a T-shirt reading “Where is Nancy?” in reference to the attack on Nancy Pelosi's husband, The New York Post reports.

    An image was posted to an anonymous Twitter account showing Tom Gregor posing with the shirt. Gregor is unopposed for a seat on the Bethlehem Township school board.

    "A friend just sent me this distressing image from Hunterdon County NJ. Says the guy in the ‘Where is Nancy’ shirt is running for board of ed nearby,” the Twitter user wrote Monday in the post of the image.

    “These people walk among us. Not good,” the person added.

    IN OTHER NEWS: Judge scolds 'rioter and insurrectionist' after he tries to portray himself as a mere 'observer'

    When questioned by NJ Advance Media about his costume and who “Nancy” was, Gregor replied: “I don’t know who Nancy is.”

    After being specifically asked if he was referring to Nancy Pelosi, the candidate replied: "No, I think it’s just a Nancy in general. Like a Karen, a Nancy."

    As the New York Post points out, some users on Twitter were outraged over the shirt.

    “That isn’t funny and it’s not just a costume. He’s making a statement, sad that he’s running unopposed,” one user wrote on Twitter.

    “wow what a great influence this guy is to students,” another said.

    “Based on his own assertion that he doesn’t know who Nancy is should be sufficient reason for anyone not to elect him to be responsible for approving educational curriculum and pedagogy for students,” another wrote.

    David DePape attacked Paul Pelosi with a hammer at his San Francisco home, fracturing his skull, after asking, "Where's Nancy?"

    NOW WATCH: Emails reveal Thomas was Trump’s ‘only chance’ to stop the 2020 election

  7. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Too soon ?
  8. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    South Dakota State Senate Candidate Accused of Molesting Family Member

    Joel Koskan, a local running for South Dakota state Senate in District 26, has been accused of years of child abuse in court documents. Koskan, who ran for the state Senate seat on the Republican ballot on three occasions dating back to 2018, is accused of sexually grooming and raping a family member. He was charged Thursday with one count of exposing a minor to a foreseeable harm. “The allegation against Joel Koskan is very serious, and the South Dakota Republican Party unequivocally opposes child abuse in all forms,” Dan Lederman, chair of the South Dakota GOP, told Keloland News. According to a signed probable cause statement, the victim claims that Koskan had been “raping her since she was a young child.” The prospective legislator allegedly instructed her to sit on his lap and kiss him from a young age, eventually installing cameras in her room, touching and raping her. “You promised you’d never do this,” Koskan texted her in May after discovering she had contacted authorities, according to a Division of Criminal Investigation report. “I’m begging you [Victim], you don’t want to do this.”

    Read it at Mitchell Republic

  9. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    This isn't just the sickest thing about treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans it is also the saddest and moist dangerous thing they do. All they do is lie. It is part of their strategy and method of operation. And dangerous because their lies are always pushing fear hate and anger. Which motivates their followers to violence. But they don't care. And the saddest thing is it works of low information voters that believe their lies.

    GOP Rep. Dan Crenshaw: Election Deniers Admit It's A Lie Behind Closed Doors
    Lee Moran
    Fri, November 4, 2022 at 3:41 AM

    Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) revealed what election deniers actually say behind closed doors as a slew of reality-defying candidates run as Republicans in next week’s 2022 midterms.

    “It was always a lie. The whole thing was always a lie. And it was a lie meant to rile people up,” the Texas Republican said of the lie that Donald Trump was cheated by widespread voter fraud in the 2020 election during the latest episode of his “Hold These Truths” podcast.

    “I’ve talked about this ad nausea, it really made me angry,” the former Navy SEAL told election reform advocate Nick Troiano. “Because I’m like, the promises you’re making that you’re gonna challenge the Electoral College and overturn the election, there’s not even a process for you to do that. It doesn’t even exist.”

    “So I was like, ‘What the hell are we doing?’ And I would tell that to people kinda behind closed doors too. Especially a lot of the rabble-rousers, like the political personalities, not even the politicians,” he said.

    Crenshaw recalled “arguments behind closed doors in the Republican Party before that.”

    The lawmaker continued:

    But even just the others, they’re like, ‘Yeah, we know that, but we just, you know, people just need their last hurrah. Like, they just need to feel like we fought one last time. Trust me, it’ll be fine.’ And I was like, ‘No, it won’t. That’s not what people believe and that’s not what you’re telling them. And maybe you’re smart enough to know that but like …’ So we have a lot of people in the political world that are just willing to say things they know aren’t true, they know aren’t true. It’s a huge manipulation.

    Crenshaw, in the aftermath of the 2020 election, supported a Texas lawsuit that challenged Trump’s defeat, but he’s now a fierce critic of those who falsely claim Trump was the election winner.

  10. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    There is no lie too ridiculous for treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans to try and make their low information voters fearful and angry. And I cannot believe I am encountering this personally myself. Sitting at the bar having a beer I heard someone saying they had talked to someone who knew someone who worked at the middle school that confirmed they had liter boxes in the bathrooms So I interjected myself in the conversation saying we needed to get down to the school and take pictures of them to prove it. Which could not have been easier because the school was literally within walking distance from the bar. And all the participants said we could not do that. And I asked why? Schools are most definitely public places and anyone can visit them after going through minimal security and a metal sector. In fact there is no legal way they can stop us from vising the school and taking pictures especially after the Superintendent of the school publicly denied they had liter boxes in the bathrooms. With both men and women we could check every bathroom in the school and classrooms and prove the superintendent was lying. But no they were not willing to take those very simple steps to prove whether the claim was true or not. But why? Because they live in a lie fueled fantasy world where facts reason truth and logic cannot penetrate lest their self imposed fact free little plastic bubble reality burst.

    Man Who Wants To Run Oklahoma’s Schools Buys Into Bogus 'Cat Litter' Conspiracy Theory

    Jonathan Nicholson
    Fri, November 4, 2022 at 9:35 PM

    Ryan Walters, candidate for state school superintendent in Oklahoma, described what he said was a

    Ryan Walters, candidate for state school superintendent in Oklahoma, described what he said was a "legitimate " school faculty meeting to discuss giving students the option of using cat litter instead of toilets. (Photo: via Associated Press)

    A man who wants to run Oklahoma’s school system has pushed a claim about liberals supposedly installing litter boxes in schools to accommodate students who identify as cats, even though it’s been debunked as a myth.

    Republican Ryan Walters’ comments appeared in a video posted by The Lost Ogle, an Oklahoma blog. The site said Walters was “talking to a group of fellow right-wing voters earlier this month at a meeting in Stillwater.”

    “I got a call over the weekend from a former colleague and he said, ‘Ryan, I’m telling you right now...’” Walters said, before his voice trailed off a bit.

    ”Have you heard about the litter boxes stuff?” he then asked the audience.

    “This was a legitimate faculty meeting where the counselors and administrators were talking to the staff ― are you ready? ― about whether they should allow litter boxes in the bathrooms for kids that identify as cats,” he said. An unseen audience member can be heard among the audible reactions saying, “Oh my God.”

    Walters then finished up the anecdote by returning to his former colleague’s reaction.

    “And my buddy said, ‘Hey, I’m just going to tell you, I’m not teaching anymore if that happens. Like, I love teaching, it’s my passion, but I’m out of here. Like that is such a sense of, like, nonsense, I can’t pretend that that’s right. I’m out of here,’” Walters said.

    That is not an issue at McAlester Public Schools.Dr. Robert Steeber, superintendent of McAlester, Oklahoma, public schools

    The idea that school children are identifying as cats and demanding to be allowed to use cat litter instead of toilets has been debunked repeatedly as essentially an urban legend. Nonetheless, it has been repeated by several Republican candidates for office at various levels. Even podcaster Joe Rogan said he had heard the same thing, before recently taking it back.

    An analysis by NBC News looked at 20 of those reports, and the districts named either told the outlet or stated publicly that no such incidents had occurred. Reuters, The Associated Press and USA Today have also debunked the idea.

    While it was not clear if Walters was saying someone he knew had seen or attended such a meeting or that he had, the candidate presented it as a real thing to the audience in the video.

    Emails to a Walters campaign website and to his official email at his secretary of education post ― an appointed position as part of Gov. Kevin Stitt’s cabinet ― were not answered.

    The video also left it unclear where Walters’ “former colleague” worked, but Walters taught for eight years at McAlester High School, according to his campaign bio. There he was a finalist for Oklahoma Teacher of the Year in 2016.

    Asked if McAlester had held such a meeting like that or one that could have been construed in that manner, the district superintendent, Dr. Robert Steeber, told HuffPost, “We have not.”

    “That is not an issue at McAlester Public Schools,” he said.

    After narrowly winning the Republican nomination to replace current state superintendent Joy Hofmeister, Walters has been locked in a closer-than-expected fight with Democrat Jena Nelson, the 2020 Oklahoma Teacher of the Year, for the superintendent slot.

    While Walters’ current appointed post gives him responsibility for various education-related boards and commissions, the superintendent in Oklahoma heads up the state Department of Education.

    Jena Nelson, the Democratic candidate for state school superintendent, may be seeing her candidacy benefit from having the current superintendent, Joy Hofmeister, running for governor. (Photo: via Associated Press)

    The closeness of the race may be a reflection of Hofmeister’s efforts to rally teachers in her race for governor, as well as concerns by some about Walters, who lists critical race theory and teacher salaries as issues on his website, but also features abortion, gun rights and immigration.

    Walters is by no means the first Republican candidate to make the false claim about cat litter ― Don Bolduc, the GOP candidate for Senate in New Hampshire, also made the claim ― but he may be one of the first candidates running for a statewide education-related office to do so.

    At McAlester, he taught Advanced Placement classes in world history, U.S. history and U.S. government.

    “Guys,” Walters added to the crowd, “if we don’t push back on the craziness, it’s not going to end.”

  11. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    You don't have a problem with kitty litter in schools, do you @stumbler?
    After all, it's a bit hard for kitties to use the standard urinal or toilet designed for humans.
    You can understand how difficult it would be for a kitty to use a toilet, right?

    Kay. Shooter has had his fun for the day.
    Carry on.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    More proof treasonous conservative/America Hating/Republicans really do believe our troops and military are just suckers and losers to be used for political props when it suits them but don't even want to let them vote in elections while they protect and in some cases die for our country. This is just disgusting in service of their Big Lie.

    Wisconsin GOP lawmaker filed late Friday lawsuit to block the counting of military ballots: report

    Tom Boggioni
    November 05, 2022

    Rep. Janel Brandtjen (Photo via Janel Brandtjen Facebook)

    According to a report from the Washington Post, a senior Republican lawmaker is suing to block her home state of Wisconsin from counting military ballots because she fears fraud is involved.

    The report notes that Rep. Janel Brandtjen, the chairwoman of the State Assembly’s elections committee, filed the lawsuit late Friday.

    Brandtjen has been in the news recently after an election official allegedly presented her with three military ballots that were issued under fictitious names. Kimberly Zapata, the Milwaukee election official, who reportedly supplied the ballots, was subsequently fired and is now facing felony and misdemeanor charges.

    As for Brandtjen, she made a big fuss about the fraudulent ballots that led election officials to step in and criticize her for spreading false claims about the state's system.

    ALSO IN THE NEWS: Attacker told canvasser to 'do your job' — raising more questions about Rubio's story

    According to the Post, Brandtjen joined with a veterans group and two other individuals on Friday in the suit to "prevent the immediate counting of military ballots."

    The report adds, "Brandtjen and the others are using the incident to argue that military ballots should not be counted unless election officials can show they complied with a state law requiring them to maintain lists of all eligible military voters."

    The lawsuit brought an immediate rebuke from Union Veterans Council Will Attig, who stated, "These are service members defending our country that have the right to vote and their means to vote is by mail. We’ve got what to me appears to be an orchestrated plan by election deniers who do not truly support our democracy.”

    You can read more here.

  13. toniter

    toniter No Limits

    Jan 17, 2011
    Ding Dong School BA84B52F-66EA-4DAF-AE9E-E96F4965D643.jpeg
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  14. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    Anyone curious about the rest of this story need only read the indictment for Kimberly Zapata.
    criminal-complaint_1-zapata-kimberly-d.pdf (heavy.com)

    But say, desperation on the part of despicables is to be expected this close to the election, eh?

  15. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Since President Harry S. Truman's tenure, the incumbent president's party has averaged a loss of more than 28 House seats in his first midterm election.

    Most recently, President Donald Trump saw a loss of 40 House seats in 2018

    In 2018

    "Mid-term elections: Democrats win House in setback for Trump" - BBC news
    "Democrats won House midterms by largest margin since Watergate scandal." - USA today
    Dems score string of upsets on way to winning House - "NBC news"

    But as usual repukes desperately try to cover up there heinous actions since the 2020 election.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. mstrman

    mstrman Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2020
    donky run.jpg
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    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. silkythighs
      LOL midterms happen every 4 years. You win some, you loose some.

      "The 1982 Elections Democrats widened their majority in the House by 26 votes Tuesday in an election that raised doubts about President Reagan's ability to protect his conservative economic program from alteration by Congress."

      "President Reagan was conciliatory about the sizable Republican losses in the House and predicted that both he and the Democrats would have to make ''concessions and compromises'' on major issues. "
      silkythighs, Nov 7, 2022
      stumbler likes this.
  17. NiceKalven

    NiceKalven Porn Star Banned!

    Apr 9, 2015
    Don't waste your breath on me, seriously I'm absolutely sick of the left...there is nothing you fuckers are doing to unite and strengthen this country... NOTHING
    How the fuck could you idiots have thought biden was the man for the job? Oh and if I misgendered biden, I don't give a fuck... it's time to rip the bandaid off ASAP and get back on track

    MSM lies to you, idc how many fucking times I have to say it!

    Anyways stay safe, stay strapped
    Really hoping we get that red wave

    Ps how's that jab working for you ... baaaaaa
    • Like Like x 1
    1. stumbler
      Here about seven and a half years with 165 posts. Sure reminds me of 2016.
      stumbler, Nov 8, 2022
  18. stumbler

    stumbler Porn Star

    Oct 10, 2006
    The Christian Nationalist Forces That Terrorized Me as a Child Have Grown Only More Powerful

    Silas House
    Mon, November 7, 2022 at 9:52 AM


    A noose is seen on makeshift gallows as supporters of US President Donald Trump gather on the West side of the US Capitol in Washington DC on January 6, 2021. - Donald Trump's supporters stormed a session of Congress held today, January 6, to certify Joe Biden's election win, triggering unprecedented chaos and violence Credit - Andrew CABALLERO-REYNOLDS-AFP

    I was raised in a church of terrorists. The preacher pounded on the lectern while he boomed that all queers deserved to die, that mixed marriages were going to lead to the downfall of “our way of life.” This was the 1980s, when women’s rights were being discussed much more broadly but according to him, God dictated that women were inferior beings to men. He railed against the separation of church and state, assuring us that the Founding Fathers had intended this to be a Christian nation. We were right and holy; the rest of the world was evil and against us. Worst of all, the congregation applauded and hollered “Amen!” in response.

    Today, members of Congress and rising Republican stars are the ones who terrorize LGBTQ children and anyone who does not follow their doctrines. These are not just fringe politicians and candidates; Christian Nationalism, the belief that the American government should be defined solely by Christianity, is now firmly entrenched within much of the GOP. This label does not apply to everyone who goes to a Christian or even a fundamentalist church. However, a survey conducted last year by the Pew Research Center, found that 45% of Americans believe strongly that the United States should be a Christian nation. Recent decisions from a Supreme Court stacked by conservative nominees have stripped women of autonomy even while they’ve reinstated the right to pray at public school functions. The way of thinking that terrified me as a child is now being embraced by the Republican Party.


    I was certainly terrorized by the church’s teachings and actions. We were taught that dancing or listening to certain music would lead us to sex or Satan, if not both. Our congregation celebrated Halloween by restricting costumes to Biblical figures and hosting “Hell Houses,” in which scenes of horror involved people writhing and screaming as they burned in a lake of fire due to premarital sex, infidelity or being gay. We were constantly reminded that the reason to follow the church’s rules was the threat of eternal damnation. It wasn’t enough for us to abide by them; we were also charged to evangelize and openly condemn anyone who didn’t live by our standards. If we didn’t work hard enough to be holy the devil would surely overwhelm us.

    One night when I was eleven, a woman convulsed on the church floor, crying out gutturally. She raked her fingernails down her own face. The preacher anointed her head with oil, causing her to twist and squeal. He proclaimed that her demon had been cast out. I immediately worried the evil spirit had slithered into me. I knew by then that I was gay and for that alone I’d surely be left behind when everyone I knew was whisked away in the Rapture, God’s chosen people disappearing “in the twinkling of an eye.” Although I felt tremendous love in that church I also realized how quickly that love would be extinguished if they knew who I really was. They believed that shunning was an effective tool in turning people to their way of thinking and they would have had no trouble excommunicating me as quickly as striking a match. I had heard them talk about the ways they’d rather their own children be dead than gay. Their solution to the AIDS crisis was to round up all the gay men up and leave them to die on an island. To many of them, killing someone with such a reprobate mind was justifiable by God’s laws.

    Over the last few months, several preachers across the country have called for the executions of LGBTQ people. This summer, thirty-one members of the Patriot Front were arrested in Iowa before they could invade a Pride gathering shortly after a preacher there said from the pulpit: “God told the nation that he ruled…Put all queers to death.” Similar sermons have recently made news for being preached in Tennessee, Texas and Arizona. In North Carolina Lt. Governor and pastor Mark Robinson has said that being gay or transgender is “filth,” “garbage” and “perversion.” He is currently a popular choice to run on the Republican ticket for the governor of North Carolina.

    In August conservatives gave a raucous welcome at CPAC for Viktor Orbán, the autocratic leader of Hungary who is opposed to mixed race relationships and calls for the global spread of Christian Nationalism. Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick told the CPAC crowd God “wrote the Constitution.” Senators such as Josh Hawley and Congress members like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert routinely call for an end to separation of church and state and claim Christianity is under attack in the very country where it should be the rule of law, a rhetoric that was repeated at the January 6th insurrection.

    As I watched the storming of the Capitol in horror I saw the Christian Nationalism of the outsider church I grew up in on display for the whole world to see. Insurrectionists carried flags reading “Jesus is My Savior, Trump is My President” and wrote “In God We Trust” on a set of gallows erected at the Capitol, clearly stating their belief that Christ has sanctioned the use of righteous violence if the government refuses to bend to their will. Once they had broken into the Senate chambers a group of them cursed and yelled but then bowed their heads as the self-described shaman led them in a prayer thanking Jesus for allowing them to “get rid of the…traitors within our government.” In the hallways their comrades smeared their own feces on the walls. I saw the faces of church members from my past in the self-assured looks of the rioters. I read the slogans preached from my childhood pulpit on the banners and signs they carried.

    I am terrified at the rise of Christian Nationalism because I have experienced it up close and personal. Violence was used against me and justified by the Bible. In high school, after a fist fight where I was forced to defend myself after a boy punched me in the mouth “for being a faggot” he defended himself to the principal by citing Scripture. When a family member fired a shotgun at me six times while I ran away, begging him to stop, he later claimed that he was “just trying to scare me straight.” I’ve seen neighbors and family members deeply damaged by the Christian extremism in the churches of America. If Christian Nationalists gain control we will be a nation run by people who apply their judgement to others even while they give themselves passes to participate in many of the archaic rules found there. It will be a country where women, people of color, LGBTQ people, and people of other faiths will be stripped of their rights in laws justified by scripture.

    Somehow, I have held onto my faith and cling to a congregation that focuses on being of service instead of judging others. But I have rejected most of the teachings of my childhood. When I was growing up we called ourselves evangelicals. A beautiful word from the Greek euangelion, which means “the good news” or “the gospel.” There are many evangelical people left in the U.S. who are not Christian Nationalists. But many have become radicalized, and they believe that God is not only firmly on their side but should also be in control of the government. They will not back down. They’ll never stop because they think they are doing God’s bidding. They believe they are God’s warriors.

  19. shootersa

    shootersa Frisky Feline

    Dec 28, 2010
    More pundit spew.
    He's entitled to voice his opinion, and stumbler is entitled to repost it.

    And the rest of us are entitled to laugh at the desperation.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. anon_de_plume

    anon_de_plume Porn Star

    Jul 15, 2012
    I was wondering when the local board crazies would endorse this piece of fiction...
    • Like Like x 1