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  1. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    That "confusion" has clearly grown into the concept that abortion now is a form of birth control.
  2. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    Yes I agree with you, this is why I have been saying that reform in the shape of re-educating people as to the alternatives available, would be a better option than to make a blanket decision to ban all abortions.
    Promote all the other choices and if necessary make some sort of financial improvements to these other choices, BUT the option of abortion should never be taken off the table. Basically educate people so they make abortion the LAST choice NOT the first.
  3. kitty kush

    kitty kush This is Killuminati

    Dec 29, 2014
    Or we could stop being brainwashed into thinking throwing babies in the trash is normal acceptable and some how a womans right.
  4. kitty kush

    kitty kush This is Killuminati

    Dec 29, 2014
    You sound like youve already been re educated chris lmao..funny you used that term
  5. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    So you would prefer to see someone live their remaining days in a vegetative state, where breathing is done by a machine, or condemn a person to endure the severe knowledge of terminal cancer, instead of allowing the option of euthanasia.
    No-one can honestly say what they would do unless they are faced with the situation, and in a lot of respects euthanasia is a more emotive topic than abortion so therefore deserves to be debated in a topic of it's own.
  6. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    If having the common decency of accepting that a woman should have the right to choose what she does with her own body, is called re-educating then you have a lot to learn about life.
  7. kitty kush

    kitty kush This is Killuminati

    Dec 29, 2014
    Youve been re educated to think murdering a baby is a womans right. Common decency lmao youre sick in the head and im done talking about this bullshit.
  8. kitty kush

    kitty kush This is Killuminati

    Dec 29, 2014
    Push your smiley face :) eugenics all you want
  9. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    That only works if you want to call the product of conception a virus. If you are willing to admit that it is a new life then the question of what can be done with it has quite a different answer. That which is inside her will not stay there forever under normal conditions and is the result of a decision the couple already made about what to do with her body.
    • Like Like x 1
  10. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    Strange how you have yet to offer any alternative action that should be taken, when a woman is faced with important life-changing decisions, execpt for your immature and uneducated comments of "murdering babies."

    You have put forward nothing of value towards this subject, and you have nothing of value to contribute further which is why you now back out of the debate. As I stated previously, just continue being a troll as you have nothing of value to post.
  11. kitty kush

    kitty kush This is Killuminati

    Dec 29, 2014
    Like i told you the 1st time you brought this shit up anyone who wants to call throwing babies in the trash a right is a nut case and not worth "debating" with.
  12. Viewer1060

    Viewer1060 Porn Star

    Jan 8, 2015

    World population
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    World population estimates from 1800 to 2100, based on "high", "medium" and "low" United Nations projections in 2010 (colored red, orange and green) and US Census Bureau historical estimates (in black). Actual recorded population figures are colored in blue. According to the highest estimate, the world population may rise to 16 billion by 2100; according to the lowest estimate, it may decline to 6 billion.

    The world population is the total number of living humans on Earth. The United States Census Bureau estimates that the world population exceeded 7 billion on March 12, 2012.[1] According to a separate estimate by the United Nations Population Fund, it reached this milestone on October 31, 2011.[2][3][4] In June 2013, the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs estimated the world population at approximately 7.2 billion.[5]

    The world population has experienced continuous growth since the end of the Great Famine and the Black Death in 1350, when it was near 370 million.[6] The highest growth rates – global population increases above 1.8% per year – occurred briefly during the 1950s, and for longer during the 1960s and 1970s. The global growth rate peaked at 2.2% in 1963, and has declined to 1.1% as of 2012.[7] Total annual births were highest in the late 1980s at about 139 million,[8] and are now expected to remain essentially constant at their 2011 level of 135 million,[9] while deaths number 56 million per year, and are expected to increase to 80 million per year by 2040.[10]
  13. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006
    There are circumstances on which conception is NOT a joint decision, likewise there are many circumstances where a fetus is not dveloping or forming properly and a lot of these do NOT affect the health of the mother. So why should a mother be forced to endure bringing a fetus that has either been conceived through rape, or is not fully formed or developed, into the world.

    She should be allowed the option of termination.

    Technology has now advanced so that a 24 week old fetus COULD survive outside of it's mothers womb, if given very specialised care. So as I have previously stated, this 24 week threshold point would be an ideal limit up to which point an abortion could be carried out. Though as technology advances and specialised care improves then this limit can be reduced, BUT the option should always be there.
  14. kitty kush

    kitty kush This is Killuminati

    Dec 29, 2014
  15. chris4sylvia

    chris4sylvia Charming, Sexy, Unique and Priceless..

    Aug 1, 2006

    The only person who is showing themselves as not worth debating with is YOU. Mainly because you still cannot grasp the very simple fact that is it NOT your choice or decision to make.
  16. tommyturtle

    tommyturtle Having an Out of Shell Experience

    Apr 5, 2008
    The people who want to make exceptions are often the ones who want to make the rule that no exceptions should be needed. It's a slippery slope deciding what is an acceptable reason for an abortion.
  17. coraline

    coraline The Witchy Woman

    Jun 13, 2014
    You already know my views on abortion but I will also adds friend went into labour and gave birth at 23 weeks 4 days of pregnancy, the hospital made no efforts to keep the baby alive as the class anything under 24 weeks a miscarriage if she gave birth 4 days later they would of done all they can to help the baby live
  18. kitty kush

    kitty kush This is Killuminati

    Dec 29, 2014
    Youre right chris...i dont find throwing millions of babies in the trash a debatable subject IMO anyone who wants to debate it and considers it womans right is a fucking nutcase or brainwashed...either way its a waste of time
  19. kitty kush

    kitty kush This is Killuminati

    Dec 29, 2014
    The fact that therei s even a debate just shows how fucking sick society is right now..
  20. sky458

    sky458 bug24

    Mar 1, 2015
    How did the Matrix series really end? I mean I watched it, but I'm not even sure. Was it a happy ending?