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  1. Fordern

    Fordern Sex Lover

    Jan 5, 2012
    And she doesnt want me to cum in her? Should i just do it anyway?
  2. LittleFireCat

    LittleFireCat Porno Junky

    Feb 22, 2012
    oh...hell no. You should feel lucky you got this far. Don't fuck it up by being selfish and stupid. The pill is no guarentee...and there are plenty of other places to cum....
    shit she may even change her mind one day...but for now its a no.
  3. pussy in boots

    pussy in boots ride em cowgirl up

    May 30, 2010
    Spend a few bucks on rubbers. Even though she's o the pill. You can cum inside her. and it's a easy clean up.
  4. Jerry626

    Jerry626 Porn Star

    Nov 16, 2010
    precum is actually rich in the little "swimmers."
  5. Ovid58

    Ovid58 Porn Star

    Mar 21, 2007

    I suggest you this: when you decide to become a father, just take it out when you ejaculate!
    After, let's say, one year of this kind of activity, come back here and tell us if your wife is pregnant, or not... :p

    It is very true that accidents can happen.
    For example, if you have intercourse and you ejaculate, than, after a short time, if you haven't peed, you get started again, than, of course, there will be some remains of your first ejaculation!

    I have done it many, but many thousands of times, and never, but never have had any problems!

    Taking it out before ejaculating is a contraceptive method - but it is essential to pee after you've ejaculated, before having vaginal sex again.

    If you don't pee, it is good (and pleasant :p ) to begin the second coitus asking the girl to suck your dick for a few minutes - her cock sucking will also "drain" your sperm from your "system" ;)

    NOTE: In spite of what some scientists say, impregnating a woman isn't THAT easy!!!
  6. LittleFireCat

    LittleFireCat Porno Junky

    Feb 22, 2012
    yes it could be that easy. I got pregnant on the pill and I took it perfectly.
  7. Jerry626

    Jerry626 Porn Star

    Nov 16, 2010
    Ask ANY decent doctor and they will tell you that precum is rich in sperm. I never said it was as rich as the ejaculate, but it is still rich enough to get a woman pregnant if enough is deposited.
  8. Ovid58

    Ovid58 Porn Star

    Mar 21, 2007
    I was talking about taking the dick out before ejaculation!

    Surely when you were on the pill you were letting your man ejaculate into you!

    Of course there are some accidents, some risks, to say so, you just happened to be into a bad situation - that little percentage... :)
    Just your bad luck! Sorry! :rose:
  9. Ovid58

    Ovid58 Porn Star

    Mar 21, 2007
    I was taught what I know by a very well known gynecologist who so happened to be a family friend of my parents, long time gone by now... :(

    It has worked for me and for ALL my friends to whom I have spoken about it.

    We ALL have had kids ONLY when we wanted it to happen!

    There was ONLY one exception - a friend of mine, took it out, ejaculated, than milked it :eek: :confused: and, since he was still hard, he's reinserted it into his wive's vagina! :p :p :p
    They have a beautiful son! :)
  10. deadly_dalia

    deadly_dalia Porn Star

    Nov 30, 2007
    My cousin's wife got pregnant using the "pull out method." It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard and quite ignorant if you think about it. Just like when people say you can't get pregnant on certain days in the month cycle. Don't be stupid. Don't risk it. OF course if you're TRYING to get pregnant and you pull out then it might be harder, but still possible. I would never do this as a secure method.
  11. amydoll22

    amydoll22 Newcumer

    Mar 8, 2012
    you have sex with your step sister?
  12. Ovid58

    Ovid58 Porn Star

    Mar 21, 2007
    Well, of course!
    When I see your age, I can surely imagine the great sexual experience that you've achieved! :p :p :p

    Honey, I tell you all these after a lifetime experience - mine and others, in a country where, if you tried to get an abortion, you would have gone to prison! :mad:

    But,... to each his/her own!

    NOTE: I am absolutely sure that if you only have sexting, cyber sex, or whatever masturbatory activity in front of your computer, with no man to really bang you, you'll never get pregnant! ;)
    These are, surely, 100% safe methods!!! :rose:
  13. Julie30

    Julie30 Porno Junky

    Feb 3, 2012
    You'd do well to remember that "No, means NO!"
  14. Pussy Shark

    Pussy Shark Porn Star

    Dec 3, 2011
    Yeah what the hell! Just blow your load all in her! You might as well!
  15. m21

    m21 Porn Star

    Mar 22, 2011

    It's possible, but not likely.

    Pre-cum or pre-ejaculatory fluid is released when a guy gets an erection. It cleans out the inside of the urethra, which is the tube that carries semen and urine out of the penis.

    The fluid makes the urethra less acidic and gives the sperm a better shot at surviving the trip from the guy's testicles to the girl's fallopian tubes. There's usually NO sperm in pre-cum fluid.

    But, if there are live sperm inside a guy's urethra (because he has ejaculated recently), the pre-cum can "pick up" the leftover sperm on its way through the urethra and out of the penis. If a guy pees after he ejaculates, that would kill leftover sperm.

    So, say a guy has sex and cums at 9 p.m. He doesn't go to the bathroom after he has sex. At 10 p.m., he gets another erection and pre-cum fluid is released. That can have live sperm in it. Is it enough sperm to get a girl pregnant? Possible, but not probable.

    But pre-cum can carry sexually transmitted diseases, so a guy should put on a condom as soon as he gets an erection.
  16. Fordern

    Fordern Sex Lover

    Jan 5, 2012
    Yes i do have sex with my stepsister.Why u think im asking this question?
  17. Ovid58

    Ovid58 Porn Star

    Mar 21, 2007
    Thank you very much for this post - finally, I find on this forum a person who is, thank God! Well informed!

    I'm trying here to explain this, also speaking from a lifetime experience, but I keep on getting my ass kicked :p :p :p
  18. m21

    m21 Porn Star

    Mar 22, 2011
    It always surprises me that on a sex site, where so many 'claim' to be over 18, just how little they know about sexual education. The large majority seem to be Americans as well.
  19. Jerry626

    Jerry626 Porn Star

    Nov 16, 2010
    I'm not on here to "kick" your ass. I'm not even trying to argue with you. I recieved this information from a doctor who specializes in pregnancies, who so happened to be helping my long time friend to get pregnant. The first bit of pre-cum that comes out has no sperm, but the closer a man gets to ejaculating, the more sperm is in the pre-cum. It is less likely for a woman to get pregnant with pre-cum, but it has happened. I'm just stating what I heard from a specialist, just like you.

    M21, Don't talk shit about people you don't know. The fact that you talked shit about Americans makes me even prouder to be one! I pity you for having such a jealous heart. You need to let it go.
  20. Ovid58

    Ovid58 Porn Star

    Mar 21, 2007
    Personally, I suspect that there has been developed a system for scaring people, due to... economical reasons!

    If all the girls, starting with, let's say sixteen, will be put on the pill, than the pharmaceutical industry will just do very well (as, in fact, it does, already!).

    There are very few qualified people to tell the parents that all this bloody chemical and/or hormonal shit may have consequences in time...

    And, meantime, the people ask themselves how come that ladies, at really early ages, become outrageously fat! (And it's just an example!)...

    For instance, you take something to keep the flu away, but, if you care to read the prospect, you'll just see that it may affect your heart, lever, kidneys...

    Doctors, or pharmacists just won't tell you that if, in the evening, you boil some wine with added sugar and some spices, and drink it hot, than go to bed, it will make you sweat much more than, let's say, Aspirin...

    And this happens just because the docs and pharmacists don't get their profits from the alcoholic beverages industry... ;)