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  1. ask4me

    ask4me Porn Star

    Mar 10, 2015
    Absolutely 100% not tolerant for liars
  2. Teratophiliac

    Teratophiliac Porn Surfer

    Aug 27, 2022
    You have never even imagined anyone as tolerant as me. I make Jesus Christ look like a fucking fascist.
    • Funny Funny x 1
  3. dudley_tundish

    dudley_tundish Porn Star

    Nov 6, 2015
    I try to be tolerant. That said, I acknowledge that I grew up with some attitudes that wouldn't fly today (that's what growing up around Baltimore in the late '50s / early '60s did) and try to squelch them. But the one thing I can and will not tolerate is immigrants that try to force their values, culture, systems, etc., on the US. Treasure your heritage: that's your right, and more power to you. But don't force it down my throat. Remember: you came to the US voluntarily for opportunity, or to escape repression. It's your duty to assimilate and become a proper citizen.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. dogmomma2

    dogmomma2 Porno Junky

    Jun 26, 2022
    I'm a pretty tolerant person, I think. The only things that pissed me off are pushy people who can't take no for an answer, and liars. Liars make me sick.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  5. latecomer91364

    latecomer91364 Easily Distracte

    Aug 3, 2017
    I'm very tolerant - and I think that term is awful and misleading. I embrace people of all ethnicities and religions - I don't just 'tolerate' them. I can't tolerate lying weasels perverting the power of the US government to consolidate their power and destroy those that disagree with them,

    I can't tolerate the insidious practice of undermining America's youth - and their parents - in schools - do Elementary school children need to see books with descriptions and graphics of gay oral sex - and instructions on anal sex in them?

    That is beyond 'tolerance' - that is an assault on children.
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 2
  6. crhurricane

    crhurricane Altered State

    Feb 25, 2018
    There are people that will find out where that line is, and it's been crossed. No one here. Just needed to vent the steam, and clear the fog, before being motivated by emotion.
    • Like Like x 2
  7. TeamRamRod

    TeamRamRod Porno Junky

    Sep 28, 2022
    I don't think it's effective or wise to tolerate people just because they're part of one group or another. I find judge people on an individual level is more effective, what you do with consensual adults in the bedroom is irrelevant to your character. I have no issues with gay marriage, but I'd be lying if I said I agreed with that being justification for removing an aspect of gay people's individuality by lumping them all together with trans as if they're not all different. In my mind it's kind of like lumping all asians together despite the vast differences of people and cultures in asia. What's disturbing is that not only are they lumped together, but a tiny minority of influential ideologues have tarnished the whole movement by trying to get *SPAM**SPAM**SPAM**SPAM*'s rights under the guise of inclusivity. Imagine spending your whole life as a guy/girl who happens to be gay and trying get access to basic rights like marriage, only to have your private life turned into a political/social weapon which entails heated debates form everyone, prejudice from both sides and legislation which allows the harming of kids. I'm sure it'd be frustrating that the majority of the population attributes one ideology or another to you before even getting to know you, or what you stand for.

    ... I also lump the parents who put their kids on puberty blockers on the same tier as parents who get their kids cheek implants for beauty pageants - it'd most likely be better for the majority of them to make those decisions for themselves when they're old enough to better weigh the consequences. So perhaps I'm only about 6/10, maybe less, on the conventional 'tolerance' scale. However I have much less tolerance for ignorant, irrational, harmful and toxic people.
    • Like Like x 1
  8. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    Says the guy who advocates shooting liberals and democrat politicians. Take your hypocrisy somewhere else.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  9. Barry D

    Barry D Over-Watch Commander

    Sep 9, 2019
    Your tolerance is pretty obvious now isn't it???? :thumbsup::thumbsup:
    • Like Like x 2
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. mstrman
      Fuck her and her useless ramblings.
      mstrman, Jul 8, 2023
      CS natureboy and Barry D like this.
  10. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    And I saw that you gave a like to a post advocating murdering people. Nice to know attempted murder is fine with you. Yep I have zero tolerance for advocating shooting anyone.

    So I guess I can see your tolerance is showing isn't it????
    1. Barry D
      If you knew what the fuck you were talking about your comments just might have more weight than the bullshit you're spreading all over this thread....
      NOWHERE in this thread has ANYONE mentioned shooting anyone at any time....
      Bringing your fucked up political attitude into this thread shows not only your intolerance, it also proves just how empty headed and small minded you truly are....
      Barry D, Jul 8, 2023
      CS natureboy and mstrman like this.
    2. mstrman
      Tell her
      mstrman, Jul 8, 2023
      CS natureboy and Barry D like this.
  11. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    Quite tolerant of tolerant people...
    • Like Like x 1
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  12. Valspar

    Valspar porn surfer

    Feb 3, 2018
    I got a new boss a month ago who's been dancing on my last nerve already.
    We're about to find out how tolerant I can be. :finger:
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Empathize Empathize x 1
    1. crhurricane
      Was gonna say good thinks come to those who wait, but true karma doesn't wait. Hang in there and laugh last.
      crhurricane, Jul 9, 2023
      Valspar likes this.
    2. Valspar
      He won't shut up, brother.
      He was yammering in my ear the other day and when I bent down to pick up something I dropped, he bent down with me to keep talking.
      Blew my fucking mind.
      Valspar, Jul 9, 2023
    3. crhurricane
      Lol, get a tape recorder, when he asks what your doing, tell if he calls off sick you won't feel all alone, see if he gets the hint.
      crhurricane, Jul 10, 2023
  13. mstrman

    mstrman Porn Star

    Sep 2, 2020
    Tell him:
    • Like Like x 2
  14. silkythighs

    silkythighs Porn Star

    Feb 17, 2019
    So it should be legal to shoot to shoot other people because you don't like their politics. Yep you repues are real tolerant.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
    1. NiceKalven
      they are a HUGE problem with our country however this belief is fascist dictator bullshit hate the sins not the people
      NiceKalven, Jul 9, 2023
      silkythighs likes this.
    2. Barry D
      That opinion was NOT posted in this thread now was it....Like I said before, keep your political bullshit out of GD....
      Barry D, Jul 9, 2023
    3. silkythighs
      Stop with your repuke hypocrisy. latecomer posted about shooting down democrats like mad dogs in the street in the GD.
      silkythighs, Jul 9, 2023
  15. NiceKalven

    NiceKalven Porn Star Banned!

    Apr 9, 2015
    all pride is sin and i believe in using violence strictly only for the means of self defense when a life threatening event leaves you with no other option

    everything in that rainbow alphabet soup cult i strongly do not support

    those fucking.people are insane or truly evil

    i consider those who say "dont say anything if you have nothing nice to say" severely mentally challenged

    oh and fuck your safe space as well
  16. shagbuddy

    shagbuddy Porn Star

    Jun 24, 2006
    What a great question and reading the responses has made me smile at the tolerance being shown already in the discussion :)
    As for my view, I don’t see Tolerance and intolerance…..this may be controversial I know! Most of our laws are based on someone or a groups views and they become doctrines we are all taught we should abide by because that’s what is right and so called proper. This seems very black and white and too rigid for a society that is in constant flux, and therefore is intended to cause friction between people or groups. Personally I like to look at facts on both sides and make an informed decision on right or wrong, however this then brings everything back to a view….mine in this instance, and who am I to make a call?! Ultimately your emotions will make a call on tolerance or not and as mentioned by other in this discussion, violence of any kind to minors or anyone without the ability to defend themselves creates an emotional response and therefore intolerance!
    Sorry if I waffled too much, I hope you can be tolerant of me :)
    • Like Like x 2
  17. Ed Itor

    Ed Itor dusted

    Jul 13, 2009
    I use to be, then I got older & now I don't suffer fools especially if I'm under stress.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  18. luv2be.evil420

    luv2be.evil420 Mighty Evil One

    Jul 17, 2020
    I'm very tolerant when it comes to other people's thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and it's hard to offend me...I'm not a brittle spirit.
    However, I don't tolerate people who abuse others be it mentally, physically, or emotionally. Especially towards children