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Pokemon Go Players in Mumbai

12 Replies Gaming Last Reply: 8 years ago 9 Users

The link above has all you need to know about playing Pokemon Go. Now that you have been playing it for a while, share your tips, tricks and strategies for the game. You can also share the location where you caught great Pokemon, so others can find them too.

Let me start - in Mumbai, lots of Pokemon near Elphinstone Road station. I found an Exeggcute (137CP), among others like Rattata, Pidgey, and Bellsprout. If you are near Vile Parle, you'll find Oddish, Weedle, Doduo, Dodrio, Tangela (I caught one with 222CP), Squirtle, etc.
By Pranay Parab
Posted On: Jul 13, 2016 05:34 PM
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Pikachu Location
Updated Aug 20, 2016 11:30 AM
go to the august kranti maidan grantroad west u find only pikachu
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8 Years Ago
Updated Jul 25, 2016 04:35 PM
try august kranti maidan near grant road station
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Updated Jul 25, 2016 04:34 PM
there are lots of pikachus in august kranti maidan.
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8 Years Ago
Pikachu as a starter
Updated Jul 16, 2016 07:08 PM
If you haven't started yet. You can get a Pikachu as a starter pokemon. Start off by going out and starting the game. In the beginning it'll ask you to capture one of three Pokemon's. Dont capture them, instead move around until they respawn.
Do this 3-4 times and next time you'll see a pikachu with starter.
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Catch pikachu as a starter pokemon
Updated Jul 15, 2016 08:16 PM
As most of us know now that we can catch a Pikachu as our 1st pokemon in the game. To do this just run/walk away physically from the location and the 3 pokemons. You have to do this 4 times and pikachu will appear. Have fun.
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My list and locations
Updated Jul 15, 2016 06:03 PM
I've caught a couple of Pinsers at Kherwadi, Bandra East. Ranging from 60CP to 200 CP
Ryhorn 58CP Kherwadi, Bandra East
Dodrio 128CP Kherwadi, Bandra East
Egxeecute 169CP Kherwadi, Bandra East
Gastly 80CP Vile Parle East, WEH
Magmar 198CP Andheri East, Near the barfiwala flyover
Bellsprout 126CP Kherwadi, Bandra East
Squirtle 128CP Kherwadi, Bandra East
Psyduck 106CP Juhu Circle
Staryu 109CP Juhu Circle
Magikarp 10CP but turns into Gyarados later, Lokhandwala new link road, Andheri West
Geodude 89CP Kherwadi, Bandra East
Bellsprout 126 CP Kherwadi, Bandra East
Doduo 136CP, Lokhandwala Complex, Andheri West
Nidoran 96CP, Kherwadi, Bandra East
Poliwag 76CP, Mithibai College Vile Parle
Zubat 99CP, Lokhandwala Complex Andheri WestÂ
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Pikachu locations mumbai
Updated Jul 15, 2016 05:47 PM
Heard about a bunch of Pikachus near Malabar Hill area. Also at the Lokhandwala back road in Andheri West. Take a look, I'm still searching for mine!
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Starter Pokemon
Updated Jul 15, 2016 06:02 AM
Guys a little hint, you can catch the starter bulbasaur in gardens and grassy areas ! also if its raining then you can find squirtles in the same areas as well. i was lucky enough to catch a bulbasaur and a couple days back on marine drive i was able to catch 25 water pokemon !! A lot of them were duplicates but atleast they were high cp !
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Not bad, thanks for sharing.
Updated Jul 14, 2016 06:47 PM
I'm sure you can evolve some Pokemon and make them more powerful. As your CP increases, you will catch more powerful Pokemon too.
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I want a Pikachu!
Updated Jul 14, 2016 03:43 PM
My favourite Pokemon of all time. Someone tell me where to find Pikachu.

There are thousands of Rattatas near Elphinstone station. I found so many that I transferred them to the Professor and got enough Rattata candy to evolve one of them to Raticate.
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All I've got
Updated Jul 14, 2016 03:40 PM
While Pranay seems to be killing it as our in-house Pokemon expert, I don't share his luck. That 137CP Exeggcute he caught was minutes after I found the same Pokemon - but mine turned out to be 14CP. My current star is a 99CP Doduo, so you can clearly tell I'm not one to learn from. But if you're looking for the laziest way to catch 'em, I have pointers:

Step 1: Sit in a car and have someone else drive.
Step 2: Open the app and wait for the magic to happen.

Depending on how fast you're going, you might not have too much time to tap on a Pokemon and flick a Pokeball so stay vigilant whenever your phone buzzes. And from my limited experience, I can attest that you will have better luck on the inner roads than the highways. As for specific locations, I found a Dratini, Poliwag and Magnemite near the Vashi bridge; Goldeen and the aforementioned Doduo in Dadar; and female Nidoran near Diamond Garden.
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Hunting Pikachu
Updated Jul 14, 2016 02:45 PM
Anyone spotted a Pikachu in Mumbai yet? Planning to go Pokemon hunting this weekend.Â
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