HP is one of the early adopters of the new Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite platform. The company has recently introduced the HP Elitebook Ultra G1q, a business laptop that brings the latest Qualcomm chipset coupled with some interesting set of features for the Indian market. The laptop comes with a price tag of Rs 1,68,999, offers a sleek design, and comes equipped with some interesting AI features. This, coupled with a long-lasting battery life, a decent 2.2K display, and efficient performance, makes it stand out from the crowd. However, is it enough to make a lasting impression? I got the chance to spend some time with the device, and this is what you need to know.
The HP Elitebook Ultra G1q offers a premium and sturdy design. The handset is easily one of the lightest and slimmest business laptops in this price segment. The laptop packs a decent display and offers a smooth touch experience. The performance is stable for normal usage, while the AI companion is undoubtedly the star of the show. The Poly Camera integration helps deliver good-quality videos and photos from the HD camera. The battery life is one of the strongest features of the laptop. That said, if you are looking for a compact business laptop that delivers decent day-to-day performance and the limitation of ARM-supported software does not bother you, then the HP Elitebook Ultra G1q laptop is meant for you.
Product Name | Price in India |
HP EliteBook Ultra G1q Laptop (Windows 11 Pro, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD, Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite, Atmospheric Blue, 14 inch) | ₹ 168,999 |
HP EliteBook Ultra G1q price in India starts from ₹ 168,999. The lowest price of HP EliteBook Ultra G1q is ₹ 168,999 at Amazon on 10th January 2025.
Brand | HP |
Model | EliteBook Ultra G1q |
Price in India | ₹168,999 |
Release date | 25th July 2024 |
Launched in India | Yes |
Model Number | A5KJ7PA |
Model Name | EliteBook Ultra |
Series | Elite |
Dimensions (mm) | 223.50 x 312.90 x 8.40 |
Weight (kg) | 1.34 |
Colours | Atmospheric Blue |
Operating system | Windows 11 Pro |
Battery Life (up to hours) | 26 |
Battery Capacity (WHR) | 59 |
Size | 14.00-inch |
Resolution | 2,240x1,400 pixels |
Touch Screen | Yes |
Processor | Qualcomm Snapdragon X Elite X1E-78-100 |
Base Clock Speed | 3.4 GHz |
RAM | 16GB |
Dedicated Graphics | No |
Graphics Processor | Qualcomm Adreno GPU |
SSD | 1TB |
Bluetooth version | 5.2 |
Web Camera | 5-megapixel |
Backlit Keyboard | Yes |
Touchpad | Yes |
Internal Mic | Yes |
Speakers | Stereo Speakers |
USB 4.0 (Type C) | 1 |
USB Ports | 1 x USB 3.0 (Type A), 1 x USB 3.0 (Type C) |
Headphone and Mic Combo Jack | Yes |