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  1. dirtyjedi

    dirtyjedi King ding a ling Banned!

    Jun 7, 2011
    Whats the one thing you cherish most?
    Im not talking children or pets or huge things...
    But that one thing you would rescue no matter what?
    Mines is a signed copy of the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy from when i met Douglas Adams at ten years old in 1994
    • Winner Winner x 3
  2. pussy in boots

    pussy in boots ride em cowgirl up

    May 30, 2010
    My guns.
    • Winner Winner x 3
    • Like Like x 2
    1. dirtyjedi
      Do you have a favourite?
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
    2. pussy in boots
      Ruger security six, 6" in 357.
      pussy in boots, Oct 12, 2019
    3. dirtyjedi
      No idea what that is but cool
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
  3. hannahsbigdaddy

    hannahsbigdaddy Stoned Always

    Apr 5, 2014
    My truck. And my Mathews Solocam bow.
    • Like Like x 2
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    2. hannahsbigdaddy
      hannahsbigdaddy, Oct 12, 2019
      Cherrypop and dirtyjedi like this.
    3. dirtyjedi
      Im like oh id save my books...
      Everyone else,things to kill
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Cherrypop and hannahsbigdaddy like this.
    4. hannahsbigdaddy
      Haha.. Well prioritize is what we do here.. Knives would be next on my list.
      hannahsbigdaddy, Oct 12, 2019
      Cherrypop and dirtyjedi like this.
    5. dirtyjedi
      Remind me not to disagree with you
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Cherrypop and hannahsbigdaddy like this.
    6. hannahsbigdaddy
      Lol.. Here's my everyday carry piece. A Karambit that springs open when I pull on the ring.

      Attached Files:

      hannahsbigdaddy, Oct 12, 2019
      Cherrypop and dirtyjedi like this.
  4. submissively speaking

    submissively speaking Sassochist

    May 26, 2018
    I have an antique glass bowfront China cabinet that belonged to my great-grandmother, and the remaining three pieces of the Royal Albert China service for 20 she had.

    My great-grandparents’ story is a compelling one and I think about them often, despite never having met them. The cabinet keeps me connected to them.
    • Like Like x 2
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  5. slutwolf

    slutwolf Porn Star

    Nov 20, 2009
    Nothing , they're only possessions.

    Only people and animals matter.

    Next priority is survival , food shelter and clothing , and then tools.
    and helping others with the same.

    I'd need a moving outfit in a big hurry , to save anything worthwhile.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Like Like x 1
    1. dirtyjedi
      Nothing you would save?
      Thats kinda sad
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
    2. slutwolf
      Oh , if I have time , there's lots , family heirlooms , some quite valuable , some very usefull (antiques , up to 300+ years old) ,
      all sorts of niknaks ,
      the vynal colection starting from earliest rock albums , and the best 400 odd 45's I kept.
      The stamp collection , three generations of , including my grandmother's from 1905 , with some of the very first stamps.
      The book collection .
      Photographs , again near a hundred years worth.
      Paintings , including my favourite , by my daughter.
      Numerous bits n bobs , kids things , you name it.

      Nothing sad about it.
      I'd save all , if I had time , I'm a saver/hoarder.

      So after I've looked after the essentials , people and animals , and survival needs ,
      which should I grab ?

      Oh , I forgot , the antique camphor wood chest full of valuable fabrics , and a large wall hanging
      slutwolf, Oct 12, 2019
      dirtyjedi likes this.
  6. Dearelliot

    Dearelliot Porn Star

    Aug 9, 2018
    Regarding my most favorite "Inanimate object" I wouldn't say as I worry choosing one would maybe hurt the feelings of the others.
    • Like Like x 1
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  7. Toddgraven

    Toddgraven Porn Surfer

    Sep 5, 2019
    My ps4, cause it was the last thing my dad gave to me before he died
    • Like Like x 1
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  8. hannahsbigdaddy

    hannahsbigdaddy Stoned Always

    Apr 5, 2014
    This is my most prized one. 20191012_130931.jpg
    • Like Like x 2
    1. View previous comments...
    2. slutwolf
      Out of interest I googled
      "farriers knife"
      These were first up:
      images (4).jpeg
      images (6).jpeg
      slutwolf, Oct 12, 2019
      hannahsbigdaddy likes this.
    3. hannahsbigdaddy
      Oh wow.. So mine must be really old?
      hannahsbigdaddy, Oct 12, 2019
    4. slutwolf
      I have no idea of the age .
      They may even be still in use .

      If you send them a pic , and any numbers or marks , they will tell you.

      They certainly still sell farriers knives and tools
      slutwolf, Oct 12, 2019
      hannahsbigdaddy likes this.
  9. Valspar

    Valspar porn surfer

    Feb 3, 2018
    I'm with Omi.
    I've saved everything my kids have given me.
    If there was ever a fire it would be the first box I would go for.
    This stuff is priceless to me, everything else is replaceable.
    Screenshot_2019-10-12-14-03-57.jpg Screenshot_2019-10-12-14-03-46.jpg
    • Winner Winner x 4
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    1. submissively speaking
    2. Valspar
      I wish I would've had the foresight to write the year on everything. :frown:
      Valspar, Oct 12, 2019
      Truthful 1, Cherrypop and dirtyjedi like this.
    3. dirtyjedi
      Thats awesome val.... =)
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Cherrypop and cirdellin like this.
  10. Danielson422899

    Danielson422899 Porno Junky

    Jul 24, 2018
    My guitar
    • Like Like x 2
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    1. slutwolf
      yeah , now you mention it , I might save my bodhran.
      (bow' rawn or bow'ron)
      slutwolf, Oct 12, 2019
      dirtyjedi and Danielson422899 like this.
    2. Danielson422899
      You should. Play with it every once and a while and wipe the dust off of it.
      Danielson422899, Oct 12, 2019
      dirtyjedi likes this.
    3. dirtyjedi
      Are you good?
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Danielson422899 likes this.
    4. thestrangerinyou
      I would not want to live with out my Jackson kingV. Looking at getting ether a Ibenaz as73 semi Holow 335 or maybe of I want to really spend the money a gretsch.
      thestrangerinyou, Oct 12, 2019
      Cherrypop and dirtyjedi like this.
    5. slutwolf
      Yeah , I do bang the dust off of it every once a while ,
      and frighten the poor lil sparrows away
      slutwolf, Oct 13, 2019
      dirtyjedi likes this.
  11. Rixer

    Rixer Horndog

    Aug 2, 2008
    I guess it would have to be my pussy hair collection that ladies send me. Sadly, those days are over. You all shave now....:(
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. Danielson422899
      Hahaha this made my day, you're awesome!
      Danielson422899, Oct 12, 2019
      dirtyjedi and Rixer like this.
    2. Valspar
      You friggin weirdo.
      Valspar, Oct 12, 2019
      dirtyjedi and Rixer like this.
    3. dirtyjedi
      Making a fake beard?
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Rixer likes this.
    4. Pulsar66
      Or a merkin?
      Pulsar66, Oct 12, 2019
      Rixer and dirtyjedi like this.
    5. dirtyjedi
      Ooh dont combine the two, velcro effect
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Rixer likes this.
  12. BigSuzyB

    BigSuzyB Porn Star

    Dec 11, 2015
    Mostly the sentimental things.Photo albums, mementos, family heirlooms, war medals and the like. The rest is just stuff and could go up in flames.
    • Like Like x 1
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    1. dirtyjedi
      I agree with photo albums
      My kids pics are very dear to me
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Danielson422899 and Cherrypop like this.
  13. Danielson422899

    Danielson422899 Porno Junky

    Jul 24, 2018
    • Like Like x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. dirtyjedi
      Very cool dude! You are very talented
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Cherrypop and Danielson422899 like this.
    2. Danielson422899
      Thank you, it means a lot coming from somebody that has heard my music makes me think all the time I've spent wasn't in vain. You're awesome!
      Danielson422899, Oct 12, 2019
      Cherrypop and dirtyjedi like this.
    3. dirtyjedi
      Music is my solace,i have issues and a playlist for every mood but your music is great.Top voice and very cool sound
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Cherrypop and Danielson422899 like this.
  14. Danielson422899

    Danielson422899 Porno Junky

    Jul 24, 2018
    • Winner Winner x 1
    1. dirtyjedi
      Missippi sounds fucking sweet dude
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Danielson422899 likes this.
    2. dirtyjedi
      Your voice reminds me of eric burdon
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
    3. Danielson422899
      Everyone likes Mississippi for some reason, I'll check Eric burdon out
      Danielson422899, Oct 12, 2019
      dirtyjedi likes this.
    4. dirtyjedi
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
    5. slutwolf
      Yeah , I have just about as much Eric n the animals as any other , stones excepted
      slutwolf, Oct 12, 2019
      dirtyjedi and Danielson422899 like this.
  15. JimmyCrackPorn

    JimmyCrackPorn Porn Star

    Sep 11, 2017
    A lesson on possessin'!

    • Like Like x 1
  16. Danielson422899

    Danielson422899 Porno Junky

    Jul 24, 2018
    Holyshit I didn't know that he was the singer of, the animals..
    • Like Like x 1
    1. dirtyjedi
      Great tune....
      Great voice
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      Danielson422899 likes this.
  17. cirdellin

    cirdellin Porn Star Banned!

    Mar 5, 2011
    Once at LAX, OJ Simpson gave me a knife with red paint or something on it. He said he was in a real hurry to get to Chicago and seemed very anxious to give it away to a fan.

    Most celebrities are not so generous and I never received anything from anyone famous before.

    So anyway that’s my prized possession :)
    • Winner Winner x 2
    1. dirtyjedi
      Thats probably worth alot
      dirtyjedi, Oct 12, 2019
      cirdellin likes this.