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  1. bladeway

    bladeway Porn Star

    May 15, 2006

    oh sure, you wait til the heat-wave is over, and then come back! The humidity is actually visible, and the heat, well... well, hustle on back anyway.
  2. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    The heat here is pretty bad too. They didn't name Ft. Leonard Wood 'Little Korea' for nothing. ;)

    And I'll tell you one thing: The mosquitoes here are smart. 80 and 90% humidity and smart mosquitoes. It's my own little corner of hell here in the summer.

  3. xnxxme

    xnxxme Amateur

    Jul 22, 2007
    Arioch ,

    You have made this thread SO funny !

    I was going to get off here and go for a bike ride to ease some stress but you gave me a good laugh.

    And yuup i use a bike to get around on-actually three bikes one gets me around a moto-cross track -honda cr 450- another does 120mph wheelies -yamaha r-1 and last trek 4300- yuup i peddle it for training ..

    Maybe i could let you ride one -although that trek might be a little much for a little lard can like you .:mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    "he thought rosie o'donell was a guy =now that was funny !!" right ?
  4. Lady Fox

    Lady Fox Queen of Fantasy

    Jul 25, 2007
    :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:ME ME ME ME
  5. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:MY HAND IS UP TOO
  6. Lady Fox

    Lady Fox Queen of Fantasy

    Jul 25, 2007
    :kiss::rose::kiss:OK EVERYONE......TAKE A DEEP BREATH..........GROUP HUGGS AND KISSES AND LOTS OF SMILES:rose::kiss::rose:
  7. Arioch

    Arioch Porn Star

    May 18, 2007
    I'm thin, you stupid ass!
  8. Arioch

    Arioch Porn Star

    May 18, 2007
    too bad, guess you got it wrong again...

    besides, I bet it's not bike riding that's keeping you slim.....It's all that furious jerking off each night in front of your poster of Heinrich Himmler...

    fess up...
  9. Arioch

    Arioch Porn Star

    May 18, 2007
    and you STILL haven't anwered me as to whether or not you've ever had a girlfriend..I bet not, I bet you are still a virgin...

    oh well, maybe you'll get to play a little grab-ass the next time you and your skinhead buddies go on a camping trip..
  10. Katie Girl

    Katie Girl Sex Machine

    Jun 13, 2006
    It would be nice if whole grain breads sold at the same price as white breads. And, if purchasing organic food was economical. Eating healthy is more expensive.

    This may be a bit off topic (a.k.a., flaming one another ;) ), but it would be wonderful if the American government offered tax incentives for and more companies offered employees "perk" membership to fitness clubs. People who exercise are healthier, happier, and miss less work . . . And all this leads to feeling sexier, which leads us down the garden path of lust (my favorite of all the Seven Deadly Sins).
  11. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    Arioch, I have inside information he uses pix of Hermann Goering and The Fuehrer.
  12. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    Actually, that would be a very bad thing.

  13. Katie Girl

    Katie Girl Sex Machine

    Jun 13, 2006
    Which part:

    1. Not flaming another subscriber?

    2. A healthier and more productive America, using less government money for health insurance and disability?

    3. A world with more lust?
  14. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    The second one.

  15. Katie Girl

    Katie Girl Sex Machine

    Jun 13, 2006
    Explain yourself on this one, Shake . . . This oughta be a good one . . . ;)
  16. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    Oh, I'd be happy to.

    Having a healthier America is of course a good thing. But don't forget, that's not what you originally said. What you wanted was tax incentives for those Americans that you feel are living up to your standards. So you reward them, but punish those Americans who you see as unfit. Punish the fat people for eating too many snickers bars, right?

    Unfortunately, that is not American. That is not a free society. You may not like that some people are overweight, perhaps you feel they are a burden to society and they should be "taken care of." There oughta be a law! right? So you strip them of their rights to make their own decisions regarding their life. It doesn't matter to you right, because you don't like snickers bars and never eat macdonalds.

    But what happens when there's something you do enjoy that they decide is "unhealthy" and "too expensive" to continue. Maybe for you it's coffee, or a can of pepsi with your lunch, whatever. So now they're taking that away from you. Suddenly you're up in arms because how dare they, don't they know this is America! You have the right to live as you choose!

    If you don't defend the rights of others, even when you might not agree with them, how can you expect anyone to defend the rights that you do cherish? The fat man eating a big mac that you defend now will be the same guy who will defend your rights when they're up on the chopping block.

    And if so many Americans are so irresponsible as to not deserve such a basic right as what to eat or whether or not to go to the gym, why are they allowed to vote? If they're so stupid, why let them run free?

    What you're advocating by your tax incentives is a nanny state. Big Mother, instead of Big Brother. The government involved in every aspect of your life, from your morning meal to your leisure activities. And like I said, that is not what it means to be an American. We are either free or we aren't. Which one do you want?

  17. Katie Girl

    Katie Girl Sex Machine

    Jun 13, 2006
    ^^^ Nice post, Shake. Congrats on staying on topic!

    Tax incentives for those who can provide a receipt for health membership, because people who partake in regular exercise are healthier. This cuts down on doctor’s visits. It also cuts down workplace absenteeism. It’s also good for mental health.

    I’m lost as to how this has anything to do with eating Snickers bars . . . Or McDonald’s . . .
  18. ShakeZula

    ShakeZula The Master Shake

    Jun 5, 2006
    It still boils down to rewarding behavior you think is good, and punishing that behavior which you think is bad. In this case, expensive. Lost man hours, more money from the health care system, whatever. It is wrong to do so.

    What it has to do with snickers and Macdonald's is that obviously someone who is concerned with their health would not each such things. At least not regularly. Where as those people who are less likely to care about their physical health probably eat foods such as those, in abundance.

    You want to reward those that lead a "healthy lifestyle" because it's "for the greater good", and punish those that don't meet your standards. And that is not the free society that is supposed to be America. Which you claim to love so much.

    Why, if you love it so much, do you want to take away personal freedoms?

  19. Empress Lainie

    Empress Lainie Ascended Ancient<br>Unexpected Woman In XNXX Heaven

    Oct 10, 2006
    KatieGirl, I am healthier than anyone I know 20yrs younger than me. The only exercise I do is eiher dancing or working on cars. Nobody, but nobody that is 20 or 30 can stay with me for 5 hours on the dance floor. And I am talking about vigorous dancing.

    I eat everything I want to and when I want to. I am diabetic and my sugar levels are
    :eek:normal, because, I, not a doctor, determined how insulin I need to take for each type of meal I eat.

    I would never spend any time on an exercise machine, but occasionally will use a treadmill if I just want to exercise and can't go out dancing.

    And now I am bragging, I have a 24yr old girlfriend.
  20. Katie Girl

    Katie Girl Sex Machine

    Jun 13, 2006
    Why don't we just do away with the C.H.I.P. program as well, Shake? Defend that one . . . And medical assistance for the poor . . . You're being ignorant and extremely dense minded today. I'm about one dumb comment from not responding to you, Shake.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 23, 2007