Amazon on Tuesday announced its next-generation Fire HD 10 tablet. Priced at $149.99 (roughly Rs. 10,000), the new tablet promises a higher screen resolution, more storage, and battery life. Additionally, the tablet also comes with Alexa support - the first time on a Fire tablet. The all-new Amazon Fire HD 10 tablet is now available to pre-order from the company's online store from Tuesday. Amazon's official listing for the all-new Fire HD 10 tablet confirms that it starts shipping October 11.
The new tablet is being marketed as "Amazon's largest tablet", and now comes with a 10.1-inch full-HD display with a screen resolution of 1920x1200 pixels which is technically greater than the 1080p resolution being touted by the company. Amazon claims that Alexa will allow users to play/ pause a video, find music, dim the lights, set a timer, show calendar, and more on the Fire HD 10 tablet, simply by using voice commands.
"For less than $150, the all-new Fire HD 10 offers a beautiful 1080p full-HD display, faster performance, more storage, and up to 10 hours of battery life. We're also excited to introduce Alexa hands-free for the first time on a Fire tablet. Now, you can ask Alexa to play a video, show you your calendar, dim the lights, and much more-using just your voice," said Kevin Keith, General Manager, Amazon Devices.
The new tablet comes in 32GB and 64GB storage models with the latter being priced at $189.99 (roughly Rs. 12,250). For specifications, the all-new Fire HD 10 tablet features a 10.1-inch full-HD (1920x1200 pixels) IPS LCD display with a pixel density of 224ppi. It is powered by a 1.4GHz quad-core processor which is said to be 30 percent faster over the previous generation Fire tablet. The tablet is said to offer up to 10 hours of battery life and comes with 2GB of RAM. It also comes with expandable storage support for up to 256GB via microSD card. There's a 2-megapixel rear camera and a 0.3-megapixel front camera.
The tablet also sports dual stereo speakers powered by Dolby Atmos audio. Amazon is also heavily marketing that the new Fire HD 10 is more durable than the iPad Pro 10.5-inch. It notes, "As measured in tumble tests, Fire HD 10 is more durable than the latest iPad Pro 10.5-inch and costs hundreds of dollars less."
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