There are some great tablets that are priced under Rs. 20,000 in India, and this list shows you those models that are currently available in the country, with the latest launched tablet shown first. Each tablet is shown alongside its key specifications, including display resolution and size, camera resolution (front and rear), also inbuilt storage. If you want to see more details about the tablet, a link to its full specifications is provided, as well as more models manufactured by the same brand.
Did you find a model that met your requirements on the Tablets Under Rs. 20,000 page? If not, here are other great tablet-focussed pages for you: Tablets Under Rs. 10,000, Tablets Under Rs. 15,000, Tablets Under Rs. 25,000, Tablets Under Rs. 30,000, Tablet Finder, Compare Tablets, and the Tablet Price List.
Tablet Under 20000 In India | Price in India |
Realme Pad 2 | Rs. 15,999 |
Acer Iconia Tab 10.36 (iM10-22) | Rs. 17,999 |
Realme Pad 2 Wi-Fi | Rs. 16,644 |
OnePlus Pad Go | Rs. 19,999 |
Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ | Rs. 18,999 |
Acer One 10 | Rs. 17,990 |
Honor Pad X9 | Rs. 16,999 |
Lenovo Tab M10 5G | Rs. 17,999 |