5G has been officially launched in India. As telecom operators rush to make 5G available across different parts of the country, smartphone brands are also introducing multiple devices, across multiple price points that support the next-generation network. Even before 5G rolled out in India, a plethora of smartphone options were available for consumers to choose from, especially under Rs. 20,000. One such recent option was the iQoo Z6 Lite 5G, which went on sale in early September. This smartphone is priced under Rs. 15,000 and it is the company's most affordable 5G smartphone currently in India.
iQoo has launched the Z6 Lite 5G as its most affordable 5G smartphone in India. The iQoo Z6 Lite 5G sits at the bottom of the Z6 series. For its starting price of Rs 13,999, the iQoo Z6 Lite 5G aims at providing reliable performance and 5G network support.
While design preferences are subjective, the iQoo Z6 Lite 5G in its Stellar Green colour looks more premium than it is. The phone comes with a flat frame and a plastic body. It is 194g heavy and 8.3mm thick. The LCD display offers 120Hz refresh rate support, which is the highest in the price segment.
The highlight of the iQoo Z6 Lite 5G is its performance. There is a Qualcomm Snapdragon 4 Gen 1 SoC. The phone also packs a 5000mAh battery with 18W fast charging support. You do not get a charger in the box.
There is a dual-camera setup on the back. The phone features a 50-megapixel primary camera along with a 2MP depth sensor. The daylight shots are quite good but white balance is a hit or miss. For selfies, the iQoo Z6 Lite 5G comes with an 8MP front camera.
Software-wise, the iQoo Z6 Lite 5G runs on the Android 12-based Funtouch OS 12 skin out of the box. It has its fair share of bloatware pre-installed along with some notifications from the browser app that spam a lot. The custom skin does offer options for customising and personalising the software experience.
Product Name | Price in India |
iQOO Z6 Lite 5G (6GB RAM, 128GB) - Stellar Green | ₹ 17,099 |
iQOO Z6 Lite 5G (4GB RAM, 64GB) - Mystic Night | ₹ 12,990 |
iQOO Z6 Lite 5G (4GB RAM, 64GB) - Stellar Green | ₹ 13,999 |
iQOO Z6 Lite 5G (6GB RAM, 128GB) - Mystic Night | ₹ 15,499 |
iQOO Z6 Lite 5G price in India starts from ₹ 17,099. The lowest price of iQOO Z6 Lite 5G is ₹ 17,099 at Flipkart on 27th January 2025.
Brand | iQOO |
Model | Z6 Lite 5G |
Price in India | ₹17,099 |
Release date | 14th September 2022 |
Launched in India | Yes |
Form factor | Touchscreen |
Weight (g) | 194.00 |
Battery capacity (mAh) | 5,000 |
Colours | Mystic Night, Stellar Green |
Refresh Rate | 120 Hz |
Resolution Standard | FHD+ |
Screen size (inches) | 6.58 |
Touchscreen | Yes |
Rear camera | 50-megapixel + 2-megapixel |
No. of Rear Cameras | 2 |
Front camera | 8-megapixel |
No. of Front Cameras | 1 |
Operating system | Android 12 |