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The Stitch Fix employee who quit during a heated all-hands meeting tells us stylists are being silenced, isolated, and manipulated

A pair of hands holds a Stitch Fix cardboard box outdoors
Facebook/Stitch Fix
  • A stylist who quit on an internal forum said Stitch Fix is silencing fed-up stylists. 
  • Aubrey, who has another full-time job, said she wanted to speak for stylists fearing retribution. 
  • "I'm very happy to be done with the company, and I'm very happy to have left in that way," she said. 
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After four years, Aubrey, a Stitch Fix stylist, quit her job during a heated all-hands company meeting earlier this month. 

Her resignation on September 10 followed weeks of internal turmoil at Stitch Fix in response to sweeping policy changes limiting scheduling and flexibility for the company's thousands of stylists — a group of employees heralded as "the heartbeat" of the company.

Stitch Fix has previously said it made the changes so that stylists' availability would align with customer availability, especially as Stitch Fix rolls out new services such as Live Styling, which allows customers to video chat with stylists

Like many of Stitch Fix's stylists, Aubrey worked part-time and remotely from home. She was initially attracted to the job for the flexibility it offered and the opportunity to supplement her income. Though she worked a full-time job in Austin, Texas, when she started, she would squeeze styling sessions into her evenings and weekends. 

For Aubrey, who asked that only her first name be used for privacy reasons, her resignation served as the culmination of a period during which she told Insider frustrated stylists like herself had become "more and more silenced and isolated." 

Aubrey had previously commented about new scheduling policy changes for stylists on the company's internal messaging board, the Thread. In a lengthy message, she wrote that the changes were "frustrating and disrespectful" and implored executives to reconsider.

Aubrey said Stitch Fix swiftly reprimanded her and said that if she spoke out again she would be terminated. 

Aubrey decided to take to the Thread one final time on September 10, during one of several all-hands meetings held by Stitch Fix to discuss policy changes and address stylists' concerns.

In her final note, which Aubrey also emailed to all fellow stylists in the company's Southwest region, she encouraged employees to band together to push back against the changes while announcing her official resignation. 

"Although you may feel isolated and that your voice is resonating in an echo chamber, you are NOT an island. There are thousands of stylists that work for Stitch Fix, and you are not alone," Aubrey wrote in the message, also shared with Insider.

She added: "As a company that prides itself on accountability and feedback, the irony of Stitch Fix not being able to handle the reality the stylists are bringing light to, is borderline hilarious — but mostly just manipulative."

Stitch Fix declined to comment on Aubrey's resignation and the all-hands meetings.

Stitch Fix website has models and style quiz
Stitch Fix

'Stitch Fix grit'

Within a few days, the message began circulating on social media, and Aubrey opened her Facebook and LinkedIn pages to discover an influx of messages from stylists she didn't know reaching out to thank her.

"I'm very happy to be done with the company, and I'm very happy to have left in that way," Aubrey said. "A lot of stylists rely on that income and don't have the ability to speak up when they want to or need to, so I feel like I also was making a comment for people who couldn't or weren't in the place to say anything."

From the beginning of her time with Stitch Fix, Aubrey said she felt the company communicated with stylists in a way that oozed "toxic positivity." 

"Stitch Fix grit" was a phrase commonly used in communicating with stylists, an approach she felt was designed to get employees to "look at the bright side of things, while ignoring the blatant problems." 

These problems include lack of inventory, particularly for petite and plus-size clients, as well as issues with updates to Stitch Fix's proprietary algorithm. Aubrey said that in recent months, the company's algorithm had started making blanket recommendations to customers based on factors like age rather than offering the personalized services the company long touted. 

"Whenever you ran into a problem, you were told to just have 'Stitch Fix grit' and basically just grin and bear it," she said. "Instead of really addressing the problem itself, it was put on you to work through, even though there really wasn't anything you could do about it. You just had to style a bad Fix because you didn't have an option."

Aubrey's frustration had reached its peak when the company announced its new stylist guidelines in August — during which stylists were given two weeks to quit and were given a $1,000 payout. According to BuzzFeed, an estimated one-third of the company's stylists left the company at the time.  

"I sat with everything for a little bit, and I just realized that the stress and frustration that was affecting me every single day was just not worth the extra money," she said.  "I do hope stylists keep standing up for themselves and speaking out against everything and just calling out all the bullshit."

If you're a Stitch Fix employee or someone with a story to tell, contact this reporter via email at or by encrypted messaging app Signal at +1 (646) 768-4706.

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