Stocking Stuffer Weekend: Joby GorillaPod Giveaway

Our 12 Days Of Christmas giveaway series is on overdrive this weekend as we fill our reader’s stockings with gifts, gadgets, and merriment. All of the contests this weekend run through Sunday night.

Mark this one under the “You’ve never known you’ve need this” category. Trust us, once you’ve used a GorillaPod, it will never leave your camera’s side. It’s just so convenient and handy. We love ’em and want to make sure one of our readers gets one in their stocking. We’re giving away the basic model away that’s perfect for point & shoots, flip-type video camera, and entry-level DSLR. So how do you when? Same as our other giveaways. All we’re asking for is a simple comment. Click through for the rules and instructions.

All you need to do is leave a comment describing the usual contents of your stocking. For example:

Each year my mom gives me three items whether they’re in a stocking or not: toothbrush, an orange, and M&M’s. They’re best if enjoyed separately.

The winner will be chosen randomly and awarded the following prize:

One Joby GorillaPod

Official rules:

  • One comment per person and yes, we can check these things
  • Entries must be in by December 19th, 11:59pm PST.
  • The winner will be chosen randomly
  • Use a valid email address as that’s how we’ll notify the winner
  • US shipping addresses only

Be sure to use your real e-mail address! It will not be shared with anyone, period. It’s just for this contest. Keep your eyes out for more giveaways over the next two weeks and don’t forget about our big Santa item: a gaming rig valued at nearly $2,300. This contest runs through Christmas Eve!


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