To counter Jio's run in the Indian telecom market, state-owned Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) has introduced a new 'KOOL' offer for prepaid subscribers. Under this offer, BSNL prepaid customers will get unlimited data access, unlimited voice calls (home and roaming), 100 SMSes per day, and free access to Personalised Ring Back Tone (PRBT) with a validity of 84 days at Rs. 1,099. This gives the BSNL offer an effective price of Rs. 13 per day. Available across all BSNL circles in India, this offer is unique compared to other packs from telecom operators, including Airtel, Vodafone, Idea, that have daily or monthly limits. However, it should be noted that BSNL is still offering 3G speeds in most regions, while the rival telcos can deliver 4G speeds. The state-owned operator has 4G operations in only Kerala circle.
"We are committed to provide affordable and efficient services to our esteemed customers. BSNL introduced KOOL offer for Rs. 1,099 suitable for all segment of society and empowers family & friend to be in touch," said R.K. Mittal, Director, BSNL Board.
BSNL had last month increased validity for several unlimited prepaid packs. Packs with tariffs of Rs. 186, Rs. 187, Rs. 349, Rs. 429, Rs. 485, and Rs. 666 now have validity increased by up to 50 percent. With the new update, the state-owned telecom operator now offers validity up to 129 days and up to 1.5GB of data.
Earlier this year, BSNL had also launched a new offer providing new GSM subscribers with 2GB of free mobile data on switching to its network. This promotional offer was stated to be based on the Indian government's Digital India initiative.
Separately, BSNL recently extended its free Sunday calls benefits for landline and broadband subscribers for the next three months.
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