Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless headphones have been launched in India, priced at Rs. 34,990. The new over-ear wireless headphones were announced globally in August 2022, and are the latest flagship headset from Sennheiser as part of the Momentum product line. As the successor to the Sennheiser Momentum 3 wireless headphones that were launched in 2019, the new Momentum 4 wireless headphones feature Bluetooth 5.2 connectivity with support for advanced Bluetooth codecs, as well as active noise cancellation, and app support.
At Rs. 34,990, the Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless are among the company's most expensive wireless headsets available right now. The headphones will be available to buy online through the company's official e-store, as well as Amazon India.
At this price, the Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless goes up against competition from brands such as Sony, Bose, and Apple. This includes the Sony WH-1000XM5, as well as the much more expensive Apple AirPods Max. Sennheiser also recently launched the Momentum True Wireless 3 earphones for Rs. 21,990 in India.
As the company's flagship over-ear wireless headphones, the Sennheiser Momentum 4 Wireless promises premium-grade performance and functionality. This includes active noise cancellation, app support through the Sennheiser Smart Control app, and advanced Bluetooth codec support for the aptX and aptX Adaptive Bluetooth codecs, in addition to SBC and AAC. The headphones use Bluetooth 5.2 for connectivity, and have a refreshed design that is claimed by Sennheiser to offer better comfort.
In addition, Sennheiser claims class-leading battery life of up to 60 hours per charge on the Momentum 4 Wireless headphones. The headphones have 42mm dynamic drivers, four microphones for voice and ANC functionality, fast charging through USB Type-C, and a frequency response range of 6-22,000Hz.
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