Redmi K30 4G was launched in China last year and it was later brought to India as the Poco X2. The Redmi K30 Pro may see the same fate, and first signs of this happening were spotted in the latest MIUI Camera code. The code suggests that the Redmi K30 Pro launched in China a few days ago may be introduced in India in the Poco series. It may well be called the Poco F2, given that it comes with flagship level specifications.
XDA Developers' kacskrz dug around the Mi Camera app code inside the latest MIUI 11 beta to find traces of Redmi K30 Pro and the brand ‘Poco' attached together. For instance, Redmi K30 Pro codename ‘lmiin' was spotted to display the watermark ‘Shot on Poco Phone'. Lmiin codename has been associated with Redmi K30 Pro in the past as well, and traces of it in the latest Mi Camera app code suggest this new development. The Poco branding alongside the codename hints that the Redmi K30 Pro will be sold in India under the Poco brand.
If we were to speculate, the Redmi K30 Pro may be called the Poco F2 – the anticipated successor to the Poco F1. The Poco F2 is expected to offer flagship-level specifications just like its predecessor, and Redmi K30 Pro does just that. The Redmi K30 Pro has a pop-up selfie camera and is powered by the Snapdragon 865 SoC. The phone sports a quad camera setup with a 64-megapixel main camera, and packs a 4,700mAh battery. The Pro variant also features a 6.67-inch full-HD+ (1080 x 2400) HDR10+ AMOLED display with 1,200 nits of peak brightness. If this discovery holds any weight, then the anticipated Poco F2 will see similar specifications as well.
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