Huawei MediaPad M5 lite tablet was launched in India on Tueday. Key features include M-Pen lite stylus support, a 10.1-inch full-HD display, a large 7,500mAh battery, an octa-core processor, and quad speakers support. It comes with support for Huawei Histen sound and is Harman Kardon audio certified as well. The MediaPad M5 lite tablet will be exclusively available on Flipkart from September 29 onwards. The M-Pen lite stylus comes with 2,046 layers of pressure sensitivity and is built with a silver grey metal finish.
The Huawei MediaPad M5 lite is priced in India at Rs. 21,990 for its 3GB RAM/ 32GB inbuilt storage model. The tablet will be available on Flipkart exclusively from September 29, which is during the Flipkart Big Billion Days Sale. It will be made available in a single Champagne Gold colour option.
Coming to specifications, the MediaPad M5 lite runs on the age-old Android 8.0 Oreo software-based on EMUI 8.0. It features a 10.1-inch full-HD (1920x1200 pixels) IPS display with 224 pixel density. The tablet is powered by the Kirin 659 processor based on Mali T830 GPU and 3GB RAM/ 4GB RAM options. Internal storage is listed to be at 32GB and 64GB options, with the support to expand storage further using microSD card (up to 256GB).
As for optics, the tablet has a 8-megapixel rear camera with autofocus, and a 8-megapixel front camera with fixed focus abilities. It is listed to pack a 7,500mAh battery that is touted to fully charge in less than 2.9 hours. Connectivity options include Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, LTE, Bluetooth v4.2, and more. The dimensions of the tablet are at 234.4x162.2x7.7mm, and it weighs 475 grams. The Huawei MediaPad M5 lite has four speakers with 3D surround sound effects, Histen 5.0 audio enhancement technology, and Harmon Kardon technology integration. It comes with an eye-comfort mode for children, parental controls, and Intelligent Light Adjustment features as well.
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