Pebble Orion and Spectra smartwatches have been launched in India. The budget wearables offer Bluetooth calling support that allows users to receive voice calls directly from their wrists. The Pebble Orion sports a 1.81-inch full-HD display, while the Spectra packs a 1.36-inch AMOLED display. Both the models have AI-enabled voice assistant support and sport SpO2 monitoring alongside blood pressure monitoring, heart rate monitoring, and female health tracking. The Pebble Orion and Spectra are also certified with IP67 rating for water resistance.
The new Pebble Orion is available in India at an introductory price of Rs. 3,499. The Pebble Spectra, on the other hand, has a discounted price of Rs. Rs. 5,499.
Orion comes with 1.81-inch full-HD display with 240x286 pixels resolution. It has a square-shaped dial and zinc alloy body. It has an auto Speaker Cleaner feature that uses an audio tone to clean the moisture in the smartwatch. The wearable offers more than 100 watch faces and over 120 sports modes.
As mentioned, the Pebble Orion includes Bluetooth v5.1 connectivity and allows users to make and attend calls from their wrists with the help of an inbuilt microphone and speakers. It is certified to be dust- and water-resistant with an IP67 rating. It has inbuilt games and also includes AI voice assistance. It comes equipped with a blood oxygen saturation (SpO2) monitor along with a blood pressure monitor, 24/7 heart rate tracker, female health tracking, and sleep monitoring. The new smartwatch packs a 260mAh battery and it is said to offer a runtime of up to 10 days on a single charge.
The Pebble Spectra sports a 1.36-inch AMOLED circular colour display with 390x390 pixel resolution and 600 nits of peak brightness. The display also includes always-on support. The body of the smartwatch is made from a zinc alloy and it also features a crown rotation button. It comes with an AI-enabled voice assistant and offers Bluetooth v5.1 calling.
Like the Pebble Orion, the Spectra also has SpO2 monitor, blood pressure monitor, and a 24/7 heart rate tracker. It also provides menstrual cycle tracking, and sleep monitoring. In addition to this, the smartwatch also features camera control, music control, calculator, and offers weather updates.
The Pebble Spectra packs a 300mAh battery and it is claimed to offer a standby time of up to 30 days.
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